The Best Small Business Twitter Chats

SAVE THIS PAGE for the best Twitter chats for small business

By Ivana Taylor

Published on May 15, 2022

In This Article

I’ve been a Twitter Chat (or Tweet Chat) addict since roughly 2007. In 2008, I ran my own weekly Twitter Chat for a bout a year or so. But my love for Twitter has never waned. But it’s hard to find a current list of the best small business Twitter chats.

Well, you’re in luck, we’ve scoured Twitter and our community to find the most updated and best Twitter chats for small business.

Small Business Twitter chats should definitely be a must-do tactic that’s part of any marketing strategy.


#SEOTalk 12pm:

#SEOTalk small business twitter chats

Co-hosted by @MalharBarai, @ParthSuba77, and @JaydipParikh

#SEOTalk It’s a community-based chat, meaning anyone can join in on the discussion around SEO by using the designated hashtag.

The topics discussed during this chat vary depending on what is popular or trending in the SEO world but generally revolve around tips, tricks, and advice on how to optimize websites for better search engine ranking.

#BizapaloozaChat 2pm:

#BizapaloozaChat small business twitter chats

Hosted by @DIYMarketers and @IvaIgnjatovic

#BizapaloozaChat covers low-cost marketing ideas on small business topics. Topics discussed during this chat include content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. #BizapaloozaChat has been listed as one of the best small business Twitter chats.

#CreativeBizHour 3pm:

#CreativeBizHour small business twitter chat

Hosted by @CreativeBizHour and @Lizzie_Chantree

Check out #CreativeBizHour to find impressive artistic creatives, designers, and writers. 8-9pm (GMT) Mondays. It’s the go-to chat for inspiration if you’re feeling creatively blocked.

#ContentChat 3pm:

#ContentChat twitter chat

@SFerika, the #ContentChat host is also the founder @ErikaHeald Consulting.

#ContentChat covers all aspects of content strategy and creation. This chat is great for marketers, small business owners, freelance writers, and more.

#Resiliencechat 10pm

Tweet chat image #ResilienceChat

Moderated by @saratruebridge, the founder of Educating The New Humanity. She’s also a TED Talk presenter.

#ResilienceChat focuses on helping people achieve their highest potential.


#USABizParty 1pm:

USABizParty twitter chat for small business

Hosted by @SchellerAnna

#USABizParty is a great chat for small business owners and entrepreneurs. This chat covers event planning, marketing, and dynamic business aspects.

#DigiBlogChat 4pm:

smallbusiness tweetxhat Gigiblogcha

Co-hosted by @LazBlazter and @Carol_Stephen

#DigiBlogChat is a chat for digital and social media enthusiasts. It covers blogging, social media, and web design tips.

#MillennialTalk 7pm:

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Hosted by @MillennialTalk

#MillennialTalk focuses on discussing the latest trends with millennials. This chat is perfect for marketing and business professionals who want to better understand this target demographic. 

#SoulNestingChat 7pm:

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@llake is the host of #SoulNestingChat.

This Twitter Chat advances the theory that mediation goes well with creativity and stability. It focuses on how to live a creative, empowered life. Topics include manifesting, personal growth, and business strategies that work.

#SocialCafe 9pm:

socialcafe tweetchat banner

Hosted by @socialcafechat

#SocialCafe is a great chat for social media enthusiasts. This chat covers all aspects of social media, including speaking to audiences via text and video posts.

#CustServ 9pm:

custserv tweetchat banner

Founded and hosted by @MarshaCollier #CustServ is one of the oldest small business Twitter Chats

#CustServ focuses on issues related to customer service and support. It’s perfect for business owners, entrepreneurs, customer service representatives, and more.


#AfricaTweetChat 1pm 


Created and hosted by @janetmachuka_

#AfricaTweetChat focuses on the power of data and technology in Africa. This chat is perfect for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and digital marketers who want to better understand the African market. 

#WinnieSun 2pm


Hosted by @winniesun

#WinnieSun helps people learn how to invest and build health and mental wellness. It also looks at how evolving tech strategies help boost business growth.

#BookMarketing Chat 2pm

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Hosted by @RachelintheOC

#BookMarketingChat is an energetic chat with successful authors and writers who want to learn effective ways to market their books.

#CXChat 2pm 

sue duris

Hosted by @SueDuris

#CXChat helps brands to grow by providing customer experience strategies and tips. It aligns culture, growth mindset, and enhanced customer support.

#adweekchat 2pm 

adweek twitter chat

Hosted by @AdWeek

#adweekchat is a great chat for marketing and advertising professionals. This chat covers all aspects of advertising, from creative inspiration to industry news. 

#WriteChat 8pm

writechat twitter chat

Hosted by @ernie_fink

#WriteChat is a chat for writers of all levels. This chat covers topics such as writing tips, techniques, and advice. 


#FreelanceChat 12pm

freelance chat michelle garret

Hosted by @PRisUs, who also co-hosts #PRLunchHour 

#FreelanceChat allows freelancers from around the globe to share their tips and advice on everything from social media marketing to business procedures. 

#TwitterSmarter 1pm 

Madalyn Sklar

Hosted by @MadalynSklar, who also hosts #SpacesHost

#TwitterSmarter is an excellent resource for small businesses to discuss best practices for using Twitter profitably.

#SEOChat 1pm

Mordy Oberstein seochat

Hosted by @MordyOberstein, the head of branding @Wix

#SEOChat is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about search engine optimization. This chat covers topics such as keyword research, link building, and local SEO. 

#USAMfgHour 2pm


Co-hosted by @DCSCInc and @DanBiggerUSAMfg

#USAMfgHour focuses on the manufacturing industry. This chat is perfect for business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals who want to better understand the manufacturing sector. 

#LeadLoudly 7 pm


Hosted by @NathalieGregg

#LeadLoudly is a chat for anyone who wants to learn more about leadership. This chat covers topics like team building, goal setting, and conflict resolution. 

#BizapaloozaChat UNPLUGGED 8pm: 


Hosted by @DIYMarketers  and @IvaIgnjatovic. 

This chat focuses on fun topics and features an open bar of digital drinks. It’s a fun and reenergizing chat for anyone who wants to relax and unwind after a long day. 


#Digital360chat 12pm

digital360 twitter chat

Hosted by @Digital360Chat and @Digital360Chat

#Digital360chat is a weekly digital marketing chat that covers everything from SEO to PPC to email marketing. 

#PopChat 1pm

popchat host

Hosted by @brianne2k, who also hosts #KTBSPA.

#PopChat is a chat for pop culture enthusiasts. This chat covers topics around celebrity gossip, marketing trends, entertainment news, and the latest TV shows. 

#MTtalk 1 pm

MT talk twitter chat

Hosted by @Mind_Tools

#MTtalk is perfect for those seeking to learn more about time management, productivity, and stress management.


#LeadLAP 10:30am

lealap chat

Hosted by @nbartley6

#LeadLAP helps you ahead of the competition by learning about the latest digital marketing trends, tools, and best practices.


#PeopleSkillsChat 10am 

kate nassar people kills chat

Hosted by @KateNasser and advocated by @jandis_price

#PeopleSkillsChat is a great chat for those who want to learn more about communication and people skills. It covers topics like active listening, body language, and dealing with difficult people. 

#NostalgiaChat 7pm 

nostalgia chat

Hosted by @TPorter2

What gives you nostalgia? This chat is for anyone who loves to reminisce. Join #NostalgiaChat.

#GoalChat 10pm

goal cjat - debra eckerling

Hosted by @TheDEBMethod, who also hosts #GoalChatLive and #TheDEBShow

#GoalChat is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about setting and achieving goals. This chat covers topics such as time management, productivity, and prioritization.