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SEMrush Academy Review (2024)

New to digital marketing or want to improve your skills? Learn everything there is to know about Semrush Academy and…

Fix Your Marketing Funk

Bring me your forgotten, ignored, and avoided marketing projects. Take a LIVE or on-demand workshop each month to tackle and transform your toughest marketing challenges.

Create a Lead Magnet

Create a lead magnet your audience will love! Craft one that fits your needs and grows your email list. Get this session for just $9 with code DIYMAG80!

Write an Email Sequence

Write emails that sell! Learn to craft sequences that convert subscribers into loyal customers. Use "DIYMAIL80" to get the course for $9!

Build a Landing Page

Unlock the secrets to a killer landing page! Design, write with ChatGPT, and promote like a pro. Use "DIYLEAD80" to get this course for just $9!

Create Your Marketing Message

Transform your brand with a USP that sells! Join our 90-min workshop to craft a magnetic message that captivates and converts.

Master the Marketing Process

Master marketing with our online course! Unlock effective strategies, exclusive templates, and expert guidance to amplify your success

The AI Advantage: Streamline Your Marketing

Master AI in marketing! Integrate your brand voice, craft powerful prompts, and future-proof your skills to maximize ROI.

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