In This Article

How can small subtle branding and messaging help you charge 3x more? I’m going to show you how one company turned their passion and process into a brand customers are happy to pay 3x more for.
The Incredible Brandable Egg
Eggs are a commodity — right? You have eggs on your shopping list, you go into the grocery store and pick some up.
It used to be easy to choose. But these days, eggs are branded and they come in so many varieties, you wouldn’t believe it.
I want to talk about an example of a brand that charges three times more than the cheapest brand and has customers happy to pay the price.
Meet Vital Farms
Vital Farms is a B Corporation that started out as a husband and wife team and has since grown to the point where you’re likely to find them on your local grocery shelves. I’m thinking this is possible since Amazon bough 4% of the company — but I digress.

Use Your Business Structure as Part of Your Marketing Message
Most small businesses structure themselves as an LLC, Partnership, or S-Corp based on how they want to be seen by the IRS. While there’s nothing wrong with that, you can also choose a business structure that supports your mission, vision, and values.
If you’re an environmentally conscious or socially conscious business, you can choose to be a B corporation.
A Certified B Corporation is a business that meets the highest standards for social and environmental performance. This business is transparent and accountable to the public, while also making a profit.
Reach Your Ideal Customer By Using Subtle Jargon
While using jargon is typically a no-no, you can use subtle jargon to reach and connect with an expert audience who knows, understands, and looks for specific words and phrases that only they would know.
In this case, Vital Farms used the phrase “pasture raised” on their packaging. In case you’re NOT sure what “pasture raised” means, they highlight key descriptors like:
- Happy Hens
- Tended by hand
- Small family farms
- Freedom to forage outdoors year round
- Made with fresh air and sunshine

So, even if you’re not especially conscious about the differences between cage-free and pasture-raised, you get the idea.
BUT — if you’re a foodie or very conscious about where your food comes from, and you’ve made a commitment to eat meats or dairy products from ethically raised producers, you are going to immediately know and understand this.
Not only that, but you’re a particular “type” of person. The Vital Farms marketing folks understand who their customers are and what type of people they are.
This brings us to the NEXT marketing messaging tactic that they use —
Personalization to Build Trust, Relationship and Connection
You already know that personalization is HOT HOT HOT! But if you’re a producer of an understood “commodity” like eggs, it’s virtually impossible to address each customer individually. But that doesn’t mean you can’t.
You can create friendly packaging and to make things even more interesting – you can insert marketing materials like a NEWSLETTER inside your package to build that closeness and relationship.

YES — there’s a newsletter inside called “Vital Times”. This little nugget measure 4.5 x 3 inches and is printed on both sides. There are even pictures. Believe it or not, it’s fairly easy to read — even with my aging eyes.
Here’s a close-up.

Let’s take a closer look at the content — because this is branded content marketing at its best.
The first article has a picture of some hens walking around grassy pastures and explains what it takes to farm healthy grass for healthy and happy chickens.
On the back, they give you some tips on how to use the eggshells for planting an herb garden. They also include a fun cartoon and this is my favorite — a “Bird of the Month”
This little newsletter leaves you, the consumer, feeling like you know this business just a little bit better.
Engage Your Audience to Build Real Relationship
At the bottom of this newsletter is a request “Do you love cooking with our pasture raised eggs? Show off your Vital Farms Creation on social and tag us @VitalFarms.”

Here’s my photo of our morning frittata that is so good that it’s almost gone! For the purposes of this article, I thought I’d play along — so here’s my Facebook/Instagram post:

How Will You Use This Eggcellent Idea in Your Marketing?
If you’re feeling down about your business because you think you offer a commodity product, don’t worry! You can still use these marketing tips to reach your target audience and build trust, relationship, and connection with them. Personalize your packaging, insert branded content into your packaging like a newsletter or bird of the month calendar, and engage with customers on social. It doesn’t have to be that hard.