Transform Your Business: Mission Statement vs Manifesto Showdown

When was the last time you created your mission statement or manifesto?

By Ivana Taylor

Published on September 16, 2024

In This Article

Are you confused between a mission statement and a manifesto? They seem like the same thing, but used in completely different ways. Aren’t they just marketing terms that sound incredibly cool? It’s complicated, but I’m going to try and make it simple.

A lot of small businesses don’t take the time to create mission, vision, values, or manifesto statements. That doesn’t mean they don’t have them, it just means that they haven’t written them down.

Not having a mission, vision, values, or brand manifesto statement written down means that you haven’t committed to a clear and convincing purpose. Brand manifestos are crucial for defining a company’s core values, beliefs, and vision, leading to stronger emotional connections and fostering meaningful relationships with customers.

A small business needs a mission statement to stay focused and provide a clear goal for the company. A vision statement is important because it focuses you (and any team members) on where the business is going. A manifesto is important because it can communicate the company’s values and beliefs to customers, clients and partners.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the nuances that set mission statements and manifestos apart, Let’s understand the basics of each. Both are essential tools for any organization, but they serve different purposes and cater to different aspects of a company’s identity and operations.

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a concise declaration that outlines a company’s core purpose and day-to-day activities. It’s like a roadmap, guiding the organization towards its long-term vision. T

hink of it as the “what” and “how” of a company’s operations.

A well-crafted mission statement provides direction and sets priorities, ensuring that everyone within the organization is aligned and focused on common goals. It’s a key component of a brand’s overall strategy, helping to keep the team on track and moving in the right direction.

In other words – a mission is a direction. We want to go from here to there. We want to take the world from here to there. We want to take our customers from here to there.

What is a Manifesto?

A manifesto, on the other hand, is a powerful written declaration of an organization’s principles, goals, and values.

It’s more than just a statement of purpose; it’s a call to action that inspires and motivates. A manifesto is designed to endure the test of time, leaving a lasting impact on both the organization and its audience. Unlike a mission statement, which focuses on the practical aspects of what a company does, a manifesto delves into the “why”—the core beliefs and values that drive the organization’s actions and decisions. It’s about creating a shared vision that resonates deeply with employees, customers, and the wider public.

Mission Statement vs Manifesto Explained

First, let’s lay out the basics of each one.

A Mission Statement should tell you who your customer is and what you’re offering them. It’s more nuts and bolts than a manifesto. It says, “we understand where we are, who our customers are, and what we can offer to make their lives better.” And sometimes it also tells you when you will deliver it (e.g., every day). And often why they do what they do as an organization.

Vision statements are somewhat similar to mission statements in that they tell the story of where you think the organization is going from its current state to some future state. They often talk about where an organization wants to be in a few years (or even decades), but don’t always specify how or when the organization will get there. Like mission statements, vision statements don’t always include specifics on who the customers are and why they deserve/need help getting there (i.e., no one has to be in need).

Values statements are comparable to vision statements in that they describe your ideal state without saying anything about how or when you expect to get there or even if anyone really needs it (the customer). However, values statements tend to focus more on why your organization exists at all—what core values drive what you do? Values may point back toward the past and describe how things once were or influence how things should be done now or into the future—but values alone don’t explain why anyone needs this work done for them now or later because no one does; no one has been left behind by society—no one was ever a customer at all!

Mission is about what the business does, will do and for whom it will do it

A mission statement is a statement of purpose. The mission describes what the company does, will do and for whom. It is crucial to align the company’s goals and beliefs with those of its target market to foster a strong connection and community centered around shared values. A manifesto is more about philosophy than business. It’s about the ideas and beliefs of the people who run the company now and have run it in the past. A mission statement looks to the future while a manifesto looks at the past, present and future as a continuum.

Mission statements are primarily concerned with what business a company is in, why it exists and what products or services it will provide. Mission statements are intended to be short but concise so that they’re easily understood by both employees and customers alike; they typically mention what’s important to customers – quality products at an affordable price – although they can also include other factors such as how employees should be treated or how profits are used.

Manifestos are concerned with why a company exists or came into being, including its philosophies or core principles which may guide management decisions today, tomorrow and in years to come. Manifestos are intended to be inspirational without worrying about whether everyone understands all of them; manifestos can also be vague because many people believe that defining these core philosophies leads directly to hypocrisy when companies fail to meet their own standards.

Values are about how the business does what it does

In a mission statement, the values of the company are represented as abstract beliefs. Values are more than that – they’re actions and behaviors. They represent how the business is run and how it behaves. They are what it stands for and its ethos.

Values should not be confused with goals or aspirations. Vision is about where a company wants to go, what it hopes to achieve, and where it sees itself in five years time. It’s about being a leader in the market or creating a new kind of product that hasn’t been seen before.

Values are about the here and now – they’re not aspirational statements but declarations of intent based on firmly held beliefs about how people should be treated and how business should be conducted in general.

70 Examples of Company Values

190 Examples of Customer Values

Vision statements are about the when

A vision statement is aspirational. It’s about where a company wants to be in five years or ten years. It’s about becoming the market leader or creating a new product category.

A vision statement is not something that can be achieved overnight – it’s a long-term goal. It’s something that a company aspires to achieve but may never actually reach.

Vision statements are about the future of your organization (or business). The point of a vision statement is to establish where you want to go in order for you to get (and stay) there.

It’s a description of what your company will be like in the future—what it will look like, sound like, and feel like. Think of it as a promise to yourself and your employees: “This is where we’re going to be in 5 years if all goes well—so let’s do everything we can to make sure that happens!”

Of course, not just any old “future-y” thought will suffice as an effective vision statement.

In the same way that you need a map for traveling somewhere unfamiliar, you need an accurate picture of what you want your company to become in order for it actually happen.

How to write a vision statement

Manifestos are about the values and beliefs that drive action – what you can count on them for

Manifestos are about the values and beliefs that drive action. An inspiring manifesto goes beyond a traditional mission statement by creating clarity, alignment, and commitment around what your customers can count on you for.

A manifesto is written down to let people know who they’re dealing with.

Manifestos are concrete and specific to an individual or organization’s stance on circumstances. Manifestos focus on behaviors. Manifestos provide sharable guiding principles that help teams collaborate effectively while preserving autonomy.

mission statement vs manifesto infographic

Mission statements corporate – Manifestos are entrepreneurial

While a mission statement is the proper and conventional way of establishing the purpose of an organization, a manifesto can be disruptive: it’s meant to defy the status quo and inspire change.

Mission statements are more about “The Company” (the who), while manifestos are more about “The Customer” (the what).

Manifestos are usually constructed with the audience in mind for persuasion purposes.

Key Differences

While both mission statements and manifestos are vital for any organization, they serve distinct purposes and have different focuses.

Purpose and Focus

The primary difference between a mission statement and a manifesto lies in their purpose and focus. A mission statement is centered on the company’s day-to-day activities and operations. It answers questions like “What do we do?” and “How do we do it?” It’s a practical guide that helps the organization stay on course and achieve its vision.

In contrast, a manifesto is all about the company’s core beliefs and values. It addresses the “why” behind the organization’s existence. A manifesto is meant to inspire and motivate, creating a sense of purpose that goes beyond daily operations. It’s a public declaration that communicates the company’s values and goals to a broader audience, including customers and the wider community.

In terms of focus, mission statements are typically inward-looking, aimed at guiding internal operations and setting goals for employees and stakeholders. Manifestos, however, are outward-looking, focusing on the company’s impact on the world and its overarching purpose. They are designed to resonate with a wider audience, inspiring both employees and customers to rally behind a common cause.

Overall, while mission statements and manifestos are both crucial for defining a company’s identity and direction, they serve different roles. A mission statement is essential for guiding daily operations and achieving the company’s vision, while a manifesto is key to inspiring and motivating people, and communicating the company’s core values and purpose to the world.

Missions are for business plans – Manifestos are for marketing plans

While a business plan will tell you the exact purpose of your company, how you plan to achieve that goal, and what is required from your team in order to accomplish it, a manifesto is more about who the company is as a function of its people, values and beliefs. Additionally, a well-crafted mission and vision statement is crucial in business plans as it adds value and resonates with stakeholders, making the plan more impactful.

Manifestos are also distinct because they usually have an emotional component that’s missing from the mission statements in business plans.

A business plan can contain some emotional language in regards to market research—for example, explaining how consumers currently feel about a product before you enter their world.

But manifestos have this sort of emotional content throughout their entire existence. They bring out the passion behind what you do and where your values lie by inspiring people with emotionally-driven language that can get them to see things differently than they did before reading it.

Mission statements are formal – Manifestos are inspirational

Think of the mission statements that companies use to describe their goals. These documents are typically very formal and matter-of-fact, written for a specific purpose (often as a part of a business plan). They’re not meant to inspire, but rather to convey information in a dry manner. In contrast, the most inspiring manifesto can ignite action and unite people behind a cause, often enduring through time due to its emotional and impactful nature.

On the other hand, a manifesto is more like a call to arms.

It’s usually written with the intent to inspire others and getting them involved in something bigger than themselves.

Manifestos are often associated with movements that strive to change society by challenging existing norms and beliefs. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t write your own personal manifesto; doing so might be just what you need before setting off on your next big adventure!

Mission statements are about doing – Manifestos are about being

A mission statement tells people what you do and why. It promises something to your customers. It describes how you will execute on a strategy, plan or vision. An emotional speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. is a powerful example of a manifesto that ignited action and established clear purposes for social movements, particularly American civil rights.

A manifesto tells people who you are “being”. It strives to visibly and emotionally explain your business as a single human being, one that your customers can relate to and connect to as a friend.

Think of it this way: A mission statement can be used by any company in any industry because it’s focused on the execution or strategy (ie, my company has a specific purpose that clearly defines the products or services we sell). A manifesto is unique to each brand and its personality – just one more reason to create one!

In other words, you won’t be able to name a specific company by simply reading their mission statement.

Mission statements are about products – Manifestos are about promises

A mission statement is more about the company and the products they provide while a manifesto is more about branding and the brand promise.

Mission statements focus on the present, while manifestos strive for the future.

A mission statement describes what your company does now and how you do it, while the manifesto describes what you believe in and where you have to go next. A historical example of a powerful manifesto is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech delivered at the Lincoln Memorial, which ignited action and established a clear purpose for the American civil rights movement.

Unlike a mission statement, your manifesto will not be written in stone. It can change any time as your company grows and evolves.

Mission statements are about goals – Manifestos are about values

Mission statements are about goals. They’re about what you want to accomplish as an organization. In a mission statement, you clearly communicate your purpose and the direction you hope to take your company or organization.

Manifestos are about the values that drive those goals. A manifesto is meant to be a rallying cry, something that others can rally behind and support.

A manifesto isn’t just about what you hope to achieve; it’s about why you want to achieve it.

How to Write a Mission Statement or a Manifesto

Here’s some good news. You can go through this brainstorming process once, and have everything you need to create both a mission statement and a manifesto.

With all these details in hand, you’re ready to write your mission statement. Personally, I like to keep things simple. Your mission statement should use plain language that a 5-year-old can understand.

As you go through this process, give yourself some grace, and expect to go through several iterations that can take more than a few hours.

Answer these questions

  1. What do you do?

  2. How do you do it?

  3. Why do you do it?

  4. Who do you serve?

  5. Reflect on your happiest customers, what’s the biggest benefit, outcome or transformation that they experience?

Generate as many statements as you can, then write down your answers and group them into similar categories.

Be a Camera and Create a Storyboard

Another thing you can do is use images and drawings to represent how you serve your customer.

  1. Imagine that you are a camera following your ideal customer around. What do you see? If they are frustrated, what triggered the frustration? Be as vivid and descriptive as possible.

  2. Walk your ideal customer through their journey, take special note of their experiences and feelings along the way.

  3. How do they find you, what’s that experience like?

  4. As the narrator, what would you say to your customer as you watch them struggle?

Create a list of before and after “feelings” that best describe the experience of working with you.

If you haven’t noticed, the name of the game here is to tap into emotions and feelings that your ideal customer is experiencing before, during, and after finding your business.

Fill in the Blanks (for a mission statement)

If these look familiar, they should be. These simple fill in the blank mission statement templates are very similar to the templates you see for your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). After all, they are virtually the same thing.

Our mission is to ____(what)_____ for ___(who)______ by ___(how)______.

We help ___ (who) so they can ___ (what)

Write out a “Rant” for a Manifesto

While a mission statement is more matter-of-fact, a manifesto is an emotional document. In fact, a manifesto is a formalized rant that’s intended to show what your brand stands for and why.

How a Mission Statement and Manifesto Help Make You Profitable

Believe it or not, your mission statement and manifesto can make you profitable and keep you profitable — here’s how:

  1. You’ll stay focused on who you serve and why and avoid getting into projects that cost money and sidetrack your efforts.

  2. You’ll come up with innovative new products and services that stand out from the competition.

  3. You’ll save money on tools and projects that don’t provide value.

  4. Your employees and customers will be more engaged with your business. And, engaged employees and customers make profitable companies.

A Simple Way to Work ON Your Business and Not IN It

If you’ve been wanting to work on your business and not in it — take an hour each day to work on your mission statement and manifesto. It’s the perfect place to start.