13 Unique Tips to Market Restaurant Experiences and Build Buzz

Need fresh ways to market restaurant vibes and keep diners coming back?

By Ivana Taylor

Published on October 20, 2024

In This Article

Bet you’ve got at least one of these in your town – a location where restaurants come and go.  For whatever reason, no one can make a go of it.  Is it the location?  Maybe, but I’m thinking it’s more than that. But nothing that some creative (and FREE) marketing stuff couldn’t fix.

Now, don’t get me wrong, great food is key for every restaurant, but these days, the restaurant world is fiercely competitive.

You can have the best-tasting dishes in the world, but without getting creative about how you’re bringing people in, even the most loyal foodies might never find you.

Now, there are physical things you can do such as having an inviting bar and lounge area to enhance the overall dining experience, making your restaurant a more attractive destination. Or, you can focus on creating quality drinks, especially signature cocktails that will complement your food menu and elevate the dining experience.

But all of these require a serious capital investment that doesn’t leave a lot of money to bring new customers in.

The good news? You don’t need a massive marketing budget to create buzz. You just need some clever, out-of-the-box ideas that make your restaurant stand out—and the best part is, most of these ideas are absolutely free! Let’s dive in.

1. Turn Your Restaurant Into a Local Art Gallery

If you’re going to market restaurant experiences, here’s a tip that’s totally free and adds culture to your space: partner with local artists to display their work in your restaurant. You get beautiful, rotating decor for free, and the artists get exposure and a chance to sell their work. It’s a win-win. Even better, hosting “opening nights” when a new collection goes up can create an event that draws in art lovers and foodies alike. Outdoor seating can further enhance this inviting atmosphere, attracting more customers looking for a pleasant dining experience.

This type of collaboration gets people talking and gives customers something to share on social media. Plus, it’s the perfect conversation starter while they wait for their food. I’ve seen restaurants do this and become the go-to spot for casual art lovers, which means more foot traffic and longer customer visits.

market restaurant example of local restaurant inviting artists to exhibit

2. Start a “Pop-Up” Concept (Without Leaving Your Own Restaurant)

Pop-up restaurants are all the rage, but who says you have to rent another space? You can create a pop-up right inside your own restaurant by offering a limited-time, themed menu that feels totally different from your regular fare. Maybe for one week each month, your cozy Italian bistro turns into a “Southern BBQ Night,” or your sushi spot hosts a “Ramen Takeover.” This concept feels special, exclusive, and exciting—people love the idea of something temporary they can’t get all the time. The restaurant’s location, which has evolved from a historical fish market, adds to its unique charm.

Play with pop ups inside your existing space to market restaurant

Not only does it give your regular customers a reason to return for something new, but it also grabs the attention of new diners who want to try this unique, fleeting experience. Best of all, you don’t need to buy any fancy decor or do any rebranding—just switch up the menu and get people buzzing about it!

3. Use “Menu Psychology” to Increase Buzz and Boost Sales

This one comes from the pricing guru Rafi Mohammed, who knows a thing or two about creating irresistible menus. A great menu isn’t just about listing food—it’s about creating perceived value and making each item feel like it’s worth every penny. How you structure and present your menu can actually help drive more sales without changing a thing in the kitchen.

Some simple (and free!) tricks:

  • Highlight a “signature dish” with a creative backstory that makes it feel like a must-try. Mohammed talks about how people are willing to pay more if they feel connected to a dish’s origins or uniqueness.

  • Create “decoy pricing.” List an expensive item right next to something slightly less costly but still on the high end. Customers often choose the “middle option,” thinking they’re getting better value.

  • Offer high-margin small plates or sharables prominently on your menu. They’re often perceived as a good deal by customers but are very profitable for restaurants.

These subtle psychological nudges can create a sense of excitement around certain dishes while increasing your bottom line—all without spending a dime on marketing.

4. Run a “Name Our Dish” Contest

People love to feel like they’re a part of something. One fun, free, and incredibly engaging way to create buzz is by involving your customers in the menu-making process. For example, you can run a “Name Our New Dish” contest on social media. Maybe you’re launching a new burger or dessert and can’t quite figure out what to call it—so let your audience decide how it will be served thoughtfully!

Here’s how to do it:

  • Post a picture of the dish (even a sneak peek) and invite your followers to comment their name ideas.

  • Reward the winner with a free meal or a small gift card, but more importantly, feature their winning name on your menu.

  • Make a big deal of it on your social platforms and in-house, showcasing the new dish and giving credit to the creative customer.

This type of contest sparks engagement, draws in new followers, and turns a simple dish into something people will actively share and talk about.

5. Launch a “Secret Menu” (But Don’t Promote It—At Least Not Directly)

I love the idea of a “secret menu.” It’s that feeling of being in-the-know, like you’ve got the inside scoop on something special that’s not available to everyone. Here’s the kicker: don’t make a big announcement about it. Instead, let it be something people discover through word of mouth or when they hear it from your servers.

For example:

  • Have a couple of off-the-menu items that only your regulars or those who ask for them can order.

  • You can create playful names for these items or even involve your loyal customers in naming them (this could tie into your “Name Our Dish” contest idea).

People love sharing secrets. They’ll tell their friends about the cool thing they ordered that wasn’t even on the menu, and before you know it, your restaurant will have a reputation for being the spot with hidden treasures.

6. Engage in Guerrilla Marketing

Who says you need traditional advertising to get noticed? Guerrilla marketing is all about low-cost, high-impact strategies that grab attention in unique ways. While some versions of guerrilla marketing are elaborate, there are plenty of free, creative ways to make it work for your restaurant.

Some ideas:

  • Create a chalk mural or clever sidewalk message outside your restaurant. It could be a witty quote about food or a creative design. If it’s Instagrammable, people will take photos and share them, giving you free exposure.

  • If you’re near a busy area, hand out samples of your food or coupons to passersby with a friendly smile. It’s an easy way to get people thinking about you when hunger strikes later.

  • Offer spontaneous “surprise and delight” moments for customers—like a free dessert or an appetizer on the house when they least expect it. These gestures will have people talking about the amazing service they received.

Remember, the goal here is to surprise people in unexpected ways, so think creatively about how you can generate buzz outside the restaurant without spending money on traditional advertising.

7. Create a “Bring Your Own Ingredient” Challenge

This one’s all about engaging your customers in a playful, interactive way. Challenge them to bring in a single ingredient, and your chef will create a custom dish around it. It adds an element of surprise for both the customer and your kitchen staff, and it’s a great way to showcase your restaurant’s creativity. Some customers even bring their spouses, like a husband, to participate in the challenge, making it a memorable experience.

Here’s how you can frame it:

  • Offer the “Bring Your Own Ingredient Challenge” one night a month.

  • Promote it as a fun, experimental evening where customers get to collaborate with the chef.

  • Document the results on social media—take photos of the unique dishes and ingredients people bring in, and share them along with the customer’s name (with permission, of course).

This idea will make customers feel like they’re part of the creative process and could even become a monthly tradition, drawing in regulars and newcomers alike.

8. Use Your Tables as Storytelling Tools

The dining experience is all about immersion, and one free way to create a memorable connection with your guests is through storytelling—quite literally. You can turn your tables (or placemats) into conversation pieces by adding stories about the dishes, fun facts about your restaurant, or even quotes from customers.

Ideas to try:

  • Print small cards or write directly on your placemats, telling the origin story of a popular dish or sharing fun food trivia.

  • Let your customers leave messages or feedback directly on the tablecloths or placemats (if you’re using paper ones). Then, share some of the best ones on social media.

This kind of interactive storytelling turns a simple dinner into a memorable experience and gives people something to talk about long after they’ve left your restaurant.

9. Host a Community Cook-off

Want to bring in the locals and get free content? Host a community cook-off where people from your town can enter a dish to be judged by a panel—maybe even your chef or a few local influencers. The winning recipe could be featured as a special dish in your restaurant for a limited time, with credit going to the winning cook.

This event:

  • Builds community ties, as it brings together local food lovers.

  • Gives you an easy way to generate social media content (photos, videos, and user-generated content from participants).

  • Creates a fun and competitive atmosphere that gets people talking.

Plus, offering the winner the chance to have their dish featured in your restaurant is a huge motivator for participation!

10. Partner with Local Schools for “Future Chefs” Nights

Engage the younger members of your community by partnering with local schools or culinary programs to host a “Future Chefs” night. Invite students to take over your kitchen (under supervision, of course!) for a night, where they can showcase their skills and serve a limited menu they helped create.

This not only gives local students valuable experience but also attracts their families, friends, and teachers to your restaurant, turning it into a packed event. You’re building connections with the community, and it’s a great way to get the local press involved since it’s a feel-good story.

11. Create a Memorable Dining Experience

At The Market Restaurant, we strive to create a memorable dining experience for our guests. Our commitment to using local ingredients and partnering with small farmers, fisheries, ranchers, and bakeries ensures that every dish is not only delicious but also tells a story. Our chefs take pride in crafting menus that showcase the freshest ingredients of the season, and our service team is dedicated to providing exceptional service that makes every guest feel like a friend.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or just looking for a night out with friends, we invite you to join us for a truly unforgettable dining experience. From our cozy atmosphere to our expertly crafted cocktails, every detail is designed to make your meal with us a memorable one.

12. Develop a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any restaurant. At The Market Restaurant, we recognize the importance of having a website that accurately reflects our brand and provides our guests with the information they need to plan their visit.

Our website features our menus, wine list, and information about our chefs and staff. We also have a strong social media presence, where we share updates about new menu items, special events, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our kitchen. By engaging with our guests online, we’re able to build a community of loyal followers who share our passion for good food and good company.

13. Measure and Track Your Marketing Efforts

At The Market Restaurant, we believe that measuring and tracking our marketing efforts is essential to understanding what works and what doesn’t. By monitoring our website analytics, social media engagement, and customer feedback, we’re able to refine our marketing strategy and make data-driven decisions that drive results.

Whether it’s tracking the success of a new menu item or measuring the impact of a social media campaign, we’re committed to using data to inform our marketing efforts and ensure that we’re always delivering the best possible experience for our guests. By staying focused on our goals and continually evaluating our progress, we’re able to stay ahead of the curve and maintain our position as one of the top restaurants in the area.

Bonus Tip: Turn Those “Best Of” Listings Into a Free Press Strategy

Okay, this tip isn’t entirely new, but here’s the twist—most restaurants think being listed in a “Best Of” guide is the end goal. It’s actually just the beginning. Once you get listed, you can ride that free PR for months by:

  • Displaying badges or certificates of the award in your restaurant and online.

  • Creating a “Best Of” special menu featuring the dishes that got you the recognition.

  • Sending out press releases or engaging with local media to keep the momentum going.

People love dining at “award-winning” spots, so once you’ve got that title, make sure everyone knows about it!

At the end of the day, the goal is to market restaurant experiences and not just the obvious. Marketing your restaurant doesn’t have to be about spending money on billboards or hiring fancy PR firms. With a little creativity and community engagement, you can turn your place into the talk of the town—organically. Tap into the fun side of your business and free, unique ideas like these, will build buzz, grow your customer base, and create a memorable brand that people can’t stop talking about. After all, in the restaurant business, word of mouth is your best friend—and with these tips, you’re bound to keep those conversations going.