In This Article

Ready for some killer April marketing ideas? I know you are. Get ready because these are NOT going to be some vague marketing blah blah crap like “tell a story” or “ask for referrals.” These are going to be simple actions you can take in just minutes to sell something in April.

Pick ONE Product or Service to Feature in April
Take no more than 15 minutes and select ONE thing that you’re going to feature in April. Do NOT overwhelm yourself or confuse your audience with a bunch of offers.
Come up with an offer, set a solid price (where you make money) and do these April marketing ideas.
Your Theme for April: New Money – New Life
Here’s a simple, important marketing hack: Pick a theme for the year or for the month. It will help you create goals, messages and marketing materials all at once which saves time and money.
April is all about Spring which is all about new and growth and green. So, for YOUR business, the theme is NEW money and for your customers the theme is “new life”
These April marketing ideas are so simple, that you can complete any of them in about a day.
Launch Something in the Next Week
Whatever you decided to sell in April may seem old to you, but it’s going to be NEW to your audience.
Launch your offer as if it was something new. Give it a message around “starting fresh”, spring cleaning, money, anything that is a good theme for April.
Give it a new name, create a SINGLE landing page with an offer and launch.
You can use any of these Landing Page Builders to test it out:
MailChimp has a free landing page builder that integrates with your email.
Hubspot also has a free landing page builder
Create a Content Plan for the Week in 20 Minutes
Take the thing that you’re going to promote this week and map out a content calendar for every week in April.
Sit down and spend 20 minutes outlining your ideas for content for the week. You’re going to be starting with a single theme, idea or strategy and then repurposing that strategy across your channels. You might start with a blog post, video or social media post and then fill out the rest of your channels with that theme for the week.
Copy this Google Doc to get you started.
Generate Hundreds of Headlines and Ideas With a Single Click
Feeling stuck? Head over to the following headline generators to get your creative juices flowing. Read this Headline Article from CoSchedule to get started. You can also use their Headline Words Worksheet.
Let’s be clear — some of these are going to be downright ridiculous, but I promise they will push you in the right direction.
Here’s a list of all the different headline generators that I use.
Test your headlines with Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer — it’s FREE!
Give People a Coupon or Promo-Code in Exchange for Their Contact Info
This along with the next couple April marketing ideas are getting on the super creative side. But I think you’re going to love them.
Look, you can pay Facebook between $12.00 to $50 (and some businesses even $100) to get someone to convert on a free offer. WHY?
Instead, give people who are most likely to become a customer something of real value – like a discount in exchange for their email, birthday, phone number, address or some other piece of information.
Ask Your Friends to Ask About You in Relevant Facebook Groups
This is a crazy guerilla tip and I’m thinking most of you aren’t brave enough to try this one. Here’s how it works.
Reach out to a close group of colleagues, friends or customers and ask them to take a screenshot of your website or offer with the URL in the address bar. Then, to go to RELEVANT (repeat RELEVANT) Facebook groups they belong to and ask if anyone has heard of you or bought anything from the site. You’ll get some traffic, you’ll see what people think and you might even get a client.
Find Out What Your Audience Really Wants Using Other People’s Comments
Here’s another sneaky tip that is worth thousands of dollars of “in-depth-interviews” and voice of the customer research.
Make a list of the top people in your industry or niche (who are active on social media). Find their best channel and start reviewing their comments. Especially look for what IS NOT being covered by that industry leader or influencer.
Boom — you cover it, write about it, create something around it.
Prepare for May — Small Business Week
Now that you have a few ideas to get started, it’s time to take action! Pick one of these April Marketing Ideas and start creating content that sells your products or services.
While you’re at it — remember that MAY brings not only flowers, but SMALL BUSINESS WEEK is the first week in may! How are you going to make your business attractive for all those customers who can’t wait to give you money? Start thinking about daily give-a-ways!
Don’t overthink this.